Big Guns
Keep Rory Alive Tour 2021

"It's a promising album and a worthy tribute to our G-Man. Very nice guitar work by Franck, which faithfully reproduces the sound. The group has imbibed enough Rory's music to register its own personality !!"
"It will be necessary to wait for a second job to know how far they can go, but listening to this "Big Guns Plays Rory Gallagher" it's possible to predict that their abilities will be revealed with their own compositions. We encourage them."
At the beginning...
When Big Guns started...
Big Guns is a Blues Band from the North of France which plays music with the aim of paying tribute to the Ireland's greatest blues guitarist: Rory Gallagher.
The story begins in 2008, then followed nearly a hundred concerts in France, Belgium and even in Norway. After a 5-year break, the group reformed in 2018, Recorded its 1st Album in 2020, and today wishes to rediscover the pleasure of the stage ...