When Big Guns Started...

Big Guns is a Blues Band from the North of France which plays music with the aim of paying tribute to the Ireland's greatest blues guitarist: Rory Gallagher.
The story begins in 2008, then followed nearly a hundred concerts in France, Belgium and even in Norway. After a 5-year break, the group reformed in 2018, Recorded its 1st Album in 2020, and today wishes to rediscover the pleasure of the stage ...
Summer 2019, the programmers of festival « Les Veilles Cornes » at Louvignies-Quesnoy trusted Big Guns to play the first part of Zak Perry & the Beautiful Things, American famous guitarist.
During this concert, the members of Big Guns and Zak Perry got closer relationship as the guitarist of Zak Perry; Vern Vennard who piloted the recording, mixing and mastering of "Big Guns Plays Rory Gallagher" in his studio of Preux-au-sart, in the North of France..